check package

import ""

Package check is a minimalist Go assertion package.

Although assert libraries are frowned upon by the Go team, this package aims at reducing the boilerplate while not getting in the way of your tests. Importantly:

Dedicated to the public domain.

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Olivier Charvin <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
package main

import (


func testExample(t *testing.T) {
	check.Equal(t, 2, 1+1) // simple equality check. Continues execution on inequality (test will fail)

	obj, err := newObj()
	check.Equal(t, nil, err).Fatal() // Fatal will stop the test on inequality (by calling t.FailNow)
	check.Equal(t, 1, len(obj.Answers)).
		Log("wrong answer size") // Log argument will only be printed on inequality

	// EqualSlice will print a unified diff on inequality
	check.EqualSlice(t, []int{42}, obj.Answers).
		Logf("question: %q", "Ultimate Question"). // Printf syntax also is also supported for Log
		Fatal()                                    // Methods can be chained

	// EqualDeep allows to compare complex structure.
	// To print a unified diff, you can use the output of go-cmp as a Log argument:
	// import ""
	expectedObj := o{}
	check.EqualDeep(t, expectedObj, obj).
		Log(cmp.Diff(expectedObj, obj))

// ✂ -- ignore anything below this line (tricks to show the test in the documentation as an example) -- ✂
func newObj() (o, error) { return o{}, nil }
func main()              { _ = testExample }

type o struct{ Answers []int }

var cmp = struct{ Diff func(x, y any) string }{Diff: func(x, y any) string { return "" }}



type Failure

Failure allows logging more information in case of failure. All method calls will be no-op on nil (when the check succeeded).

func Equal

Equal calls t.Error if want != got.

func EqualDeep

EqualDeep calls t.Error if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, got).

func EqualSlice

EqualSlice is the slice version of Equal. Calls t.Error if want != got with an unified diff.

func (*Failure) Fatal

Fatal stops the test execution if the Failure is not nil (no-op otherwise), see testing.T.FailNow.

func (*Failure) Log

Log formats its arguments using default formatting, analogous to Println, and records the text in the error log if the Failure is not nil (no-op otherwise).

func (*Failure) Logf

Logf formats its arguments according to the format, analogous to Printf, and records the text in the error log if the Failure is not nil (no-op otherwise)

Source Files

check.go diff.go


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